A Look at the Best Ever Trades in History

Let's look at some of the greatest trades ever made.

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Want to learn about the greatest trades ever made?

Good, you’re in the right place…

From Paul Tudor Jones trading Black Monday, to George Soros breaking the bank of England. Let’s explore who traded what, when, why and of course how much they made.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Jesse Livermore, Paul Tudor Jones, George Soros, Jim Chanos, John Paulson, Kyle Bass, Andrew Hall, and Martin Armstrong are highlighted as some of the most successful traders in history, with notable trades that include shorting the market during significant downturns and predicting major financial crises.

  • Their legendary trades capitalised on market inefficiencies, advanced understanding of economic indicators, and strategic use of financial instruments such as credit default swaps, demonstrating both high-risk taking and acute market foresight.

  • These traders left a significant impact on trading practices and financial market regulations, reinforcing the importance of risk management, the influence of individual traders on the global financial markets, and the need for transparency in corporate governance.

Jesse Livermore: The 1929 Market Crash

Jesse Livermore trading in the stock market during the 1929 crash

Jesse Livermore, a name that reverberates through the annals of trading history, takes centre stage in our story. Known as the “Great Bear of Wall Street,” Livermore left an indelible mark on the world of trading.

His audacious bets and uncanny market predictions earned him a fortune and a reputation as one of the greatest traders of all time.

Early career and trading strategies

Livermore’s trading journey began at the tender age of 14 when he started working at Paine Weber & Co’s Boston stockbroking offices.

His keen eye for observation and sharp analytical skills led him to develop unique trading strategies that would later shape the course of his career.

At a time when insider trading was rampant and information was a luxury, Livermore used his understanding of bucket shops and critical junctures to time his trades to perfection.

His pioneering strategies in trading were a clear demonstration of his prophetic insight and shrewdness, paving the way for his later accomplishments.

Shorting the market in 1929

Livermore’s crowning achievement came in 1929 with the infamous stock market crash.

While others watched helplessly as their fortunes dwindled, Livermore saw opportunity…

Leveraging his understanding of market dynamics and over-leveraging, he established a short position on corporate stocks. His audacious bet paid off, earning him a profit of over $100 million and cementing his place in trading history.

Legacy and influence on modern traders

Livermore’s legacy extends far beyond his personal fortune.

His innovative trading strategies have shaped the world of trading, influencing countless traders and setting the foundation for modern trading practices.

His use of stop-loss orders and position sizing, his understanding of market psychology, and his emphasis on risk management are testaments to his far-reaching influence.

Of course you can’t really say you’re a trading until you’ve read the classic book Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

Paul Tudor Jones: Profiting from Black Monday

Paul Tudor Jones analyzing market trends before Black Monday

Next on our journey is Paul Tudor Jones, a titan of the trading world who made his mark during one of the darkest days in market history – Black Monday

Jones, a visionary with a knack for spotting market trends, is renowned for turning calamity into opportunity.

Background and trading style

Jones’ journey into the world of trading began under the mentorship of his cousin William Dunavant Jr., a renowned cotton merchant. 

With a degree in economics and an unquenchable thirst for success, Jones dived headfirst into the world of commodity trading. 

Distinguishing himself from his contemporaries with his unique trading style and ability to identify market trends, Jones set the groundwork for his ensuing triumphs.

Predicting and profiting from Black Monday

The crowning jewel of Jones’ trading career was his prediction and profit from Black Monday. 

Using the Elliott Wave Theory and technical analysis, Jones foresaw the devastating market crash that wiped out millions in a single day. But while others reeled from the shock, Jones profited, his prescient prediction earning him a cool $100 million.

Lessons learned from Paul Tudor Jones’ success

Valuable insights can be drawn from Jones’ triumphs. His adeptness at merging historical analysis with current market trends emphasises the necessity for a holistic approach to trading.

His daring investments and inclination towards risk-taking underscore that boldness is often rewarded in the trading world.

George Soros: Betting Against the British Pound

George Soros strategizing his trade against the British Pound

Our journey takes us next to George Soros.

Known as the “Man Who Broke the Bank of England,” Soros’ audacious bet against the British pound stands as one of the most legendary trades in history.

The Quantum Fund and Soros’ investment strategy

Soros’ accomplishments are a testament to his distinctive investment approach and the innovative Quantum Fund. 

Soros’ strategy was predicated on identifying vulnerabilities in the financial market and exploiting them. 

His Quantum Fund, a privately owned hedge fund with a global footprint, became a testament to his investment acumen.

The trade that broke the Bank of England

Soros’ audacious bet against the British pound shook the foundations of the financial world. 

By identifying the weaknesses in the European Rate Mechanism and leveraging these vulnerabilities, Soros made a fortune while simultaneously causing a financial earthquake in England.

Impact on currency markets and modern trading

Soros’ trade left a lasting impact on the world of trading and the global currency markets. 

It highlighted the potential for extensive currency speculation and exposed the weaknesses of national financial institutions.

His audacious bet also brought attention to the potential impact of individual traders on the global financial system.

Jim Chanos: Exposing Enron's Fraud

Jim Chanos uncovering Enron's fraudulent accounting practices

Our journey through the world of trading brings us next to Jim Chanos, the man who exposed one of the biggest corporate scandals in history. 

Known for his expertise in short selling, Chanos is renowned for his role in exposing the fraudulent accounting practices of Enron.

Background and expertise in short selling

Chanos began his career as a stock operator and analyst, honing his skills in identifying distressed companies. His ability to spot discrepancies and anomalies in financial statements made him a formidable short seller, a role he played to perfection in the Enron scandal.

Uncovering Enron’s deception

Chanos’ meticulous analysis of Enron’s financial statements led him to discover the company’s fraudulent accounting practices. His discovery led to the downfall of one of America’s biggest corporations and exposed the dark underbelly of corporate America.

The aftermath and lessons for investors

The Enron debacle acted as an alarm bell for investors, underscoring the need for transparency and integrity in corporate governance, which is one of the main concerns of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Chanos’ part in uncovering Enron’s deceit highlights the significance of due diligence and critical scrutiny in investment choices.

John Paulson: Capitalizing on the Subprime Real Estate Crisis

John Paulson analyzing the subprime real estate market

Our next stop on this journey through trading history brings us to John Paulson, a man who made a fortune by betting against the subprime real estate market. His audacious bet at a time of financial turmoil made him one of the wealthiest men in the world.

Early career and hedge fund success

Paulson’s journey into the world of trading began with a degree in business and a stint at Boston Consulting Group. His analytical skills and keen understanding of market dynamics led him to establish his own hedge fund, Paulson & Co., which would go on to make one of the most profitable trades in history. 

As a successful hedge fund manager, Paulson’s expertise has been widely recognised in the industry, placing him among the top hedge fund managers.

The subprime real estate trade

Paulson’s audacious bet against the subprime real estate market was a masterstroke of strategic foresight. Recognising the unsustainable nature of the real estate boom, Paulson capitalised on the impending market crash, turning an initial investment of $110 million into a staggering $700 million.

Paulson’s continued market insights and trades

Paulson’s success in the subprime real estate market is not an isolated event. Continually guided by his sharp grasp of market dynamics and his talent for identifying market inefficiencies, Paulson has established himself as a power player in the trading sphere.

Kyle Bass: Profiting from the Housing Collapse

Kyle Bass is another trader who made a fortune by betting against the housing market. His audacious bet against subprime mortgages earned him a fortune and cemented his place in trading history.

Background and investment philosophy

Bass’ success in trading can be attributed to his unique investment philosophy. A firm believer in the power of market analysis and foresight, Bass has made a name for himself by spotting market inefficiencies and capitalising on them.

The subprime bet and its payoff

Bass’ most audacious bet came during the 2008 financial crisis when he bet against subprime mortgages using credit default swaps. Partnering with an investment bank, his bold move paid off handsomely, turning an initial investment of $110 million into a staggering $700 million.

Lessons for traders from Kyle Bass’ experience

Bass’ triumphant journey provides potent insights for traders. His knack for detecting market inefficiencies and readiness to embrace calculated risks underline that boldness is often rewarded in trading.

Andrew Hall: The Remarkable Oil Trade

Andrew Hall’s audacious oil trade stands as one of the most legendary trades in history. Hall’s bet against the oil market shook the foundations of the financial world and earned him a fortune.

Background and expertise in energy markets

Hall’s journey into the world of trading began with a stint at BP. His keen understanding of the energy markets and his ability to spot market inefficiencies made him a formidable trader, a role he played to perfection in his audacious oil trade.

The bold oil trade

Hall’s audacious oil trade came at a time when the world was reeling from the effects of the global financial crisis. Despite the bleak market conditions, Hall saw an opportunity and made a bold bet against the oil market, a move that paid off handsomely.

Impact on oil markets and trading strategies

Hall’s daring oil trade had a profound and lasting influence on the trading world and the global oil markets. It highlighted the potential for extensive speculation in the oil market and exposed the weaknesses of national oil institutions.

His big bet also brought attention to the potential impact of individual traders on the entire market, particularly in the global oil sector.

Martin Armstrong: Predicting the 1987 Crash with Precision

Our final stop on this journey through trading history brings us to Martin Armstrong, a visionary who predicted the 1987 market crash with uncanny precision. Utilising his distinctive Economic Confidence Model, Armstrong anticipated the crash, issued warnings to investors, and cemented his position in the annals of trading.

Background and development of Armstrong’s theories

Armstrong’s journey into the world of trading began with a fascination with patterns and cycles (like Taylor and Wyckoff).

His keen eye for pattern recognition and his understanding of market dynamics led him to develop the Economic Confidence Model, a tool that he used to predict market trends and cycles with remarkable accuracy.

The accurate prediction of the 1987 crash

Armstrong’s crowning achievement came in 1987 when he accurately predicted the market crash. Using the Economic Confidence Model, Armstrong foresaw the crash and warned investors, earning him a place in trading history.


Our journey through the annals of trading history has brought us face-to-face with the big bets, brilliant strategies, and remarkable foresight of some of the greatest traders in history. 

Each of these traders, in their own unique way, has shaped the world of trading and left a lasting legacy. 

Their stories serve as a reminder of the power of foresight, the importance of risk management, and the rewards of audacious bets.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best trade in history?

The best trade in history is often considered to be George Soros’s shorting of the British Pound in the early 1990s, making over $1 billion. This trade, along with others by notable investors, involved highly leveraged currency exploitation.

Who is the most successful trader in history?

The most successful traders in history include Jesse Livermore, Paul Tudor Jones, Warren Buffett, and Steven Cohen. They are considered to be the richest traders of all time.

Which was the most profitable trade?

It’s probably George Soros again, but Michael Burry also made a damn good trade shorting subprime.

What is the best thing to trade?

None of these great trades were in one specific market. They all were a thesis that played out over time. These traders spotted an opportunity and found the right vehicle to express that trade.

What is the significance of understanding the best trades in history?

Understanding the best trades in history is significant because it offers valuable insights into the successes and failures of past traders, enabling us to learn from their strategies and decisions.

It’s also super inspirational! 

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