About Us

Mark Holstead - Founder

Traders Mastermind was founded by me, Mark Holstead.

A trader for over two decades. (I placed my first trade in March 2001… missed the dot com boom by a few years!)

After a lot of screen time here are some things I believe to be true about trading…

Trading can be a lonely game, it’s tough to face the markets each day with no feedback other than your P&L.

  • Am I doing the right thing?
  • Is there another way?
  • What am I missing?
  • What’s a good trading strategy for this market?

It’s tough.

And so in 2020 my goal was simple: 

Create the best educational resource for traders on the internet.

A place that would give a trader everything they needed to progress, grow and hit ambitious goals.

And so Traders Mastermind was born…

Mark Holstead – Founder

Peter Daniel – Senior Trader

Peter sharing his trading strategy with a group of traders at Barclays.

The Traders Mastermind Journey So Far...

Mark speaking at Traders Day Live in London and Peter sharing strategy ideas with traders.

I’m proud of what we’ve built to date…

The weekly coaching calls with members, hearing how they are improving all the time.

Hitting milestones, reaching goals, overcoming obstacles.

The ever growing trader training vault, crammed with world-class trader education. 

And of course I’m proud of our community, supporting each other to become consistent and successful traders.

If you’re serious about your trading then I invite you to explore the site.

Get to know us a little bit first.

Subscribe to my daily email, find a webinar topic that resonates or listen to a developing trader podcast episode.

If you like what you see, and think this is a place where you can excel, come and join us when you’re ready.

Good trading,

Mark Holstead

Hundreds of Traders: Premium Members in (almost) Every Time Zone!

Traders Mastermind members meet up.

London meet up for UK members, great food a few drinks and plenty of trader talk.

Mark’s recent live presentation AI Enhanced Trading at the Pepperstone talks event in London.