Ask Better Questions
Get better results
“I’m so busy, I’ve got no time to think”
Ever heard that phrase?
Maybe it’s a British thing, I dunno, but we all know what it means.
Life, work, trading, gym, and general big boy/girl commitments all combine to extract every scrap of time we have in the day.
So we rush from task to task, getting everything done before the weekend hits.
And so from a trading perspective, we tend to spin our wheels for ages and ages going around in circles.
- Knowledge? Check.
- Screen time? Check
- Results? Meh…
Try this:
Ask yourself one very specific question.
And then give your mind time to think about the answer.
For example:
Rather than constantly thinking, “How can I become a good trader?”
A better question might be “How can I reduce my losing trades by 50%”
It’s specific and focused, which helps your incredible brain come up with solutions.
But you need to give yourself time to think…
Specific question + space and time to think = better results
I talked more about it in my latest podcast episode here.