Don Miller’s Trading Success Story

Insights from His S&P Trading Experience

In July 2008 a trader called Don Miller started a new blog.

He wanted to document his trading journey with the trading world. (This was before everyone started doing it…)

Don was a very active S&P trader, you’d probably call him a scalper.

He leased a seat on the CME, traded a lot of contracts each day, and didn’t like using stops.

Over that year he made $1.6m day trading the S&P 500 and documented the whole process. (Blog link here)

One of the cool things he did along the way was record some of his trading sessions and package them up in a video series he called Trading after Dark” (a nod to his love of poker.)

He showed traders how he scalps the ES, how he “manages risk with size”, and how he incrementally adds to positions as they move in his favour.

In this video clip, Don talks about why he adds to trades and his thinking behind that method.

It’s a genuine over-the-shoulder look of a professional trader doing his job…

Don’s moved on to new ventures now and I don’t know if he still trades much.

But he definitely helped and inspired a generation of traders.

Thanks Don.