Welcome To Traders Mastermind

A home for traders serious about peak trading performance

You’re here because you want to improve your trading…

Whether you are a few months into your trading journey and trying to figure stuff out
or are armed with a decade of screen time and looking to hit some big P&L numbers.

Wherever you may be right now, you’re in the right place.

I have a vast arsenal of tools, training, and resources, to elevate your trading journey.

Supporting your equity curve growth

Me, Mark Holstead:
– Trader for over 20 years.
– 67m views on YouTube
– Strategy builder
– Speaker
– Trader training (Institution and retail)

To get started I recommend deciding which area of your trading needs urgent attention…
Trading Psychology

Trading Psychology

(includes trading discipline, over trading, rule breaking, trading on tilt, sizing up etc)

Trading Strategies - Traders Mastermind

Trading Strategy

(includes technicals, chart setups, scaling, adding, mean reversion, trend trades etc)

Pick the one thing that will help you the most and go deep.

Enjoy the journey, stick to the process and work tirelessly on becoming the very best trader you can be.

Good trading,

Mark Holstead

PS: If you have any questions send a reply any of my daily emails and I’ll do my best to help.