How we traded 20 years ago
Online dealing was just starting out, but it was a pretty rough.
Home » How We Traded 20 Years Ago
Trading via Telephone
So when I first started trading, online dealing was just becoming a thing.
Most traders were calling orders in via phone.
In fact, when you opened an account you were issued with a dealing guide.
How to trade via the telephone
It had do’s and don’t of what to say:
- Don’t bother the dealers looking for quotes
- Don’t reveal your intentions before asking for a quote
- Avoid ambiguous terms like “close there” and “I’ll take it”
For a new 20–year-old trader, calling a dealer in the city was pretty intimidating. The lingo, the speed the abrupt nature.
So when online dealing came along it was a game-changer…
But when I say ‘online dealing’ I mean, technically that’s true, but it’s nothing like we have now.
It was a glorified chat system.
You clicked the buy button and it sent a pre-populated message that looked something like this:
“I’d like to buy the FTSE at £10pp please”
Then after a few minutes, the dealer would type back
“Certainly sir, the price is 6196 – 6204”
You would then type BUY
But if you were a few seconds too late the dealer would tell you the price was no longer valid and requote you.
Imagine this in a fast market…
Total joke.
Plus the spreads were insane.
8 pt spread on the FTSE in 2001 when it was trading at 6,000 and the range was probably 40 pts!
Scalping was out of the question of course.
When we finally got price charts, typically reserved for the big ballers with £10k pm to spend on a custom system, we thought we were proper BSDs…
It cost a fortune and they always crashed. Constantly needed an update or a plugin of some sort.
Still, it was fun, we were at the cutting edge of technology and trading the markets.
Life was good!
2001 was a turning point, no longer was speculation on markets the hobby of the old boys network, it became accessible to all.
Since then competition has forced spreads down.
Technology has come on massively and of course, the markets are a lot higher than they were!
Bravo capitalism, bravo.
What a wonderful business to be in.
We are so very lucky…