More Context On Aatu Kokkila’s Trading Strategy
Digging deeper into this fund managers trading strategy
Home » More Context On Aatu Kokkila’s Trading Strategy
Happy NFP day.
We know a man who will be totally focused on today’s number… Aatu Kokilla (Check my recent conversation with him here.)
I think one of the reasons that episode with Aatu was so popular, is that even though he is deploying up to $32m on each trade it’s a strategy that anyone can trade.
Of course, Aatu plays his strategy card close to his chest.
But what he did say certainly gives the typical trader a nudge in the right direction.
There is an edge in trading around news events.
Finding that edge is up to you…
Now, shiny object syndrome can be a momentum killer, so be careful if you do decide to dig into this approach some more.
But if you simply want to explore and research a new strategy for sport (I see you fellow trading nerd…) then this article from the hedge fund trading journal, interviewing Aatu is a good read.