Podcast Pick:
10 Steps to Trading Success

Hear from Mike Bellafiore, Founder of SMB Capital

So, every now and then I come across a must-listen podcast episode that I just have to share with you…

Today it’s an interview with Mike Bellafiore, founder of SMB Capital, a prop firm in New York City.

Mike Bellafiore

Now, usually, we hear interviews with traders, sharing ideas, what works for them, etc.

And those are great for ideas and inspiration.

But this time Mike talks about the ten steps needed to become a great trader.

And you could argue he is in the best position to discuss this as he’s trained and developed some big traders over the years.

Not to mention seeing some of the commonalities among the failures…

So IMO he’s worth listening to.

Anyway, here’s the link on Spotify. I’m sure you can find it on your preferred player if you want.

It’s called “10 Steps to Become a GREAT Trader (Start to Finish)”

Perfect weekend listening…