The Quote That Changed My Perspective

Stop Comparing and Start Enjoying

Ever heard the quote “Comparison is the thief of joy” by Theodore Roosevelt?

It’s one of those perfect quotes, so short, yet so accurate…

There will always be someone with a nicer car, a bigger house, a bigger boat…

And the same applies to the trading journey.

Comparing your year 1,2, or 3 to another trader’s year 15 can be counterproductive.

It steals the joy you should have from the progress you are making.

And guess what?

If you carry on the comparison game throughout your journey, you’ll get to year 15, perhaps making 7 figures and look at the 8-figure guys with envy.

The joy of being one of the top 1% of traders is stolen from you because you look at someone doing bigger numbers than you…

So where does it end?

You can end it now.

There’s no need to compare yourself.

Sure, learn from others who have trod the path before you.

But compare?

Na… You are on your own journey. There will be ups, downs, ecstatic moments, and times you wish you hadn’t started…

Find joy in the small wins, joy in the progress, and joy in the process.

Do that and you’ve achieved a major unlock that will always serve you.

It’s easier said than done, we humans love to compare!

But well worth the effort.