We’re Gonna Be in the Hudson

The Power of Laser-Like Focus


“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”
– Bruce Lee

Replace ‘warrior’ with ‘trader’

“The successful trader is the average man, with laser-like focus.”
– Not Bruce Lee

This is so true it’s worth reading again… Humans have a unique ability to perform at the highest level when they are fully focused on one task. Do that and we can almost perform miracles. There’s something about that intensity that unlocks a different part of the brain and brings out a new level of excellence.

In our last member’s coaching call, we talked about how there’s no one personality type that dominates trading. The metric of trading success is focusing on one thing, leveraging your personality strengths and avoiding your weaknesses.

Today, think about where you can point laser-like focus to get the results you want.

  • Is that your discipline?
  • Your execution?
  • Your research?

What area can you become so obsessed with that you have no option but to succeed?

Get focused on that one thing and commit to not blinking until the job is done.

Captain Sully's Composure

Off-topic but a great example of focus is Captain Sully, who landed a plane with 155 people safely on the Hudson River in New York.

This man’s dedication to aviation + his laser-like focus in a crisis situation allowed all these people to survive.

This is the actual recording of the radio calls made.

Just listen to that man’s composure. 

Flying a plane with zero thrust, scanning for options, realising he had one awful choice. Total and 100% commitment to making that work. 

“We’re gonna be in the Hudson” then silence. That man had a job to do and he did it. It gives me chills listening to this.

Be great.